English (Reading)

English (Reading)

If you have any specific questions about the English (Reading) curriculum, please email info@holytrinityce.co.uk


At Holy Trinity we follow the Read, Write, Inc (RWI)approach to teaching Reading and Phonics, supplemented with additional reading materials. Our approach is systematic, consistent and rigorous in order for all children to become readers as quickly as possible. We use the same phonics programme across the school providing continuity and a tool for guaranteed progression.


From Reception to the end of KS1, children work in groups with children who are at the same reading level in RWI groups. This is so that the teaching can be focussed on their needs. Some older children will continue to access RWI groups if they need further consolidation and development of reading skills.


We check children’s reading skills regularly so we that we can ensure they are in the right group. Children will move to a different group if they are making faster progress or may have one-to-one support if we think they need some extra help. RWI takes place 4 days per week for 40 mins daily.

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